Try this breathing technique when you need a reset…

Bumblebee breathing, hummingbird breath, Buzzing breath. We call it all types of fun names in kid’s yoga class. The actual yoga name is Bhramari pranayama.

It can calm anger and soothe anxiety almost instantly. And it works for parents AND kids! I personally use this technique when I’m feeling overstimulated by my kids (we’ve all been there, right?) It’s so simple and really helps reset your nervous system! It’s also helpful when you hit that late afternoon slump and need to find a little energy. It can even help your kids when they’re feeling angry or frustrated.

How to do it:

  1. Plug your ears with your fingers by pushing on that little cartilage thingy

  2. Close your eyes

  3. Inhale deeply

  4. Keep your mouth closed and as you exhale, make a humming noise. Hum your entire exhale.

  5. Repeat as needed.

Try it out and see how you feel afterwards!


Five finger breathing


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