Salt painting

I won’t pretend that I invented this activity. It’s one of those classic early childhood art activities that's been around for years. It’s a classic for a reason though! Brynn has been obsessed with making more and more since we did this in class. So here’s the basic instructions and some simple variations to add to the fun.


white glue



pipette or small paintbrush

small jars of liquid watercolor or food coloring diluted with a little water

tray to contain the mess


  1. Squeeze glue onto paper in any design

  2. Sprinkle salt all over the glue, shake around and dump the excess.

  3. With either the pipette or paintbrush, carefully add drops of color to the salt (no need to wait for glue to dry)

  4. watch as the paint travels along the lines of salt!


  • write your child’s name with marker and have them trace it with glue

  • draw shapes with the glue

  • experiment with squeezing glue or using a paintbrush to apply glue.

  • paint your paper with paint stix before adding the glue and salt for a mixed media project

  • Cut up your dried salt painting to use as collage papers for another mixed media project


Dyed beans, rice, salt, pasta…


Five finger breathing